Source code for tcex.bin.package

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""TcEx Framework Package Module."""
# standard library
import fnmatch
import json
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

# third-party
import colorama as c

# first-party
from tcex.app_config.install_json import InstallJson
from tcex.backports import cached_property
from tcex.bin.bin_abc import BinABC

[docs]class Package(BinABC): """Package ThreatConnect Job or Playbook App for deployment. This method will package the app for deployment to ThreatConnect. Validation of the install.json file or files will be automatically run before packaging the app. """ def __init__(self, excludes: Optional[List[str]], ignore_validation: bool, output_dir: Path): """Initialize Class properties.""" super().__init__() self._excludes = excludes or [] self.ignore_validation = ignore_validation self.output_dir = output_dir # properties self.features = ['aotExecutionEnabled', 'secureParams'] self.package_data = {'errors': [], 'updates': [], 'package': []} self.validation_data = {} @cached_property def _build_excludes_glob(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Return a list of files and folders that should be excluded during the build process.""" # glob files/directories return [ '__pycache__', '.pytest_cache', # pytest cache directory '*.iml', # PyCharm files '*.pyc', # any pyc file '*.zip', # any zip file ] @cached_property def _build_excludes_base(self): """Return a list of files/folders that should be excluded in the App base directory.""" # base directory files/directories excludes = [ self.output_dir, '.cache', # local cache directory '.c9', # C9 IDE '.coverage', # coverage file '.coveragerc', # coverage configuration file file '.cspell', # cspell configuration file '.env', # local environment file '.git', # git directory '.gitignore', # git ignore file '.gitlab-ci.yml', # gitlab ci file '.gitmodules', # git modules '.history', # vscode history plugin '.idea', # PyCharm '.pre-commit-config.yaml', # pre-commit configuration file '.prettierrc.toml', # prettier configuration file '.python-version', # pyenv '.template_manifest.json', # template manifest file '.vscode', # Visual Studio Code 'angular.json', # angular configuration file 'app.yaml', # requirements builder configuration file 'artifacts', # pytest in CI/CD 'assets', # pytest in BB Pipelines 'cspell.json', # cspell configuration file 'local-*', # log directory 'log', # log directory 'JIRA.html', # documentation file '', # documentation file 'karma.conf.js', # karma configuration file 'package-lock.json', # npm package lock file 'package.json', # npm package file 'pyproject.toml', # project configuration file 'README.html', # documentation file 'target', # the target directory for builds 'test-reports', # pytest in CI/CD 'tests', # pytest test directory ] # excludes.extend(self._build_excludes_base) excludes.extend(self._excludes) excludes.extend( return excludes
[docs] def exclude_files(self, src: str, names: list): """Ignore exclude files in shutil.copytree (callback).""" exclude_list = self._build_excludes_glob if src == os.getcwd(): # get excludes that are specific to the Apps base directory exclude_list = self._build_excludes_base excluded_files = [] for n in names: for e in exclude_list: if fnmatch.fnmatch(n, e): excluded_files.append(n) return excluded_files
@cached_property def build_fqpn(self) -> 'Path': """Return the fully qualified path name of the build directory.""" build_fqpn = Path(os.path.join(self.app_path,, 'build')) build_fqpn.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) return build_fqpn @cached_property def template_fqpn(self) -> 'Path': """Return the fully qualified path name of the template directory.""" template_fqpn = Path(os.path.join(self.build_fqpn, 'template')) if os.access(template_fqpn, os.W_OK): # cleanup any previous failed builds shutil.rmtree(template_fqpn) # update package data self.package_data['package'].append( {'action': 'Template Directory:', 'output':} ) return template_fqpn
[docs] def package(self): """Build the App package for deployment to ThreatConnect Exchange.""" # copy project directory to temp location to use as template for multiple builds shutil.copytree(self.app_path, self.template_fqpn, False, ignore=self.exclude_files) # update package data self.package_data['package'].append( {'action': 'App Name:', 'output':} ) # use developer defined app version (deprecated) or package_version from InstallJson model app_version = or self.ij.model.package_version # update package data self.package_data['package'].append({'action': 'App Version:', 'output': f'{app_version}'}) # !!! The name of the folder in the zip is the *key* for an App. This value must # !!! remain consistent for the App to upgrade successfully. app_name_version = f'{}_{app_version}' # build app directory app_path_fqpn = os.path.join(self.build_fqpn, app_name_version) if os.access(app_path_fqpn, os.W_OK): # cleanup any previous failed builds shutil.rmtree(app_path_fqpn) shutil.copytree(self.template_fqpn, app_path_fqpn) # load template install json ij_template = InstallJson(path=app_path_fqpn) # automatically update install.json in template directory ij_template.update.multiple(sequence=False, valid_values=False, playbook_data_types=False) # zip file self.zip_file(self.app_path, app_name_version, self.build_fqpn) # cleanup build directory shutil.rmtree(app_path_fqpn)
[docs] def print_json(self): """[App Builder] Print JSON output containing results of the package command.""" print( json.dumps({'package_data': self.package_data, 'validation_data': self.validation_data}) )
[docs] def print_results(self): """Print results of the package command.""" # Updates if self.package_data.get('updates'): print(f'\n{c.Style.BRIGHT}{c.Fore.BLUE}Updates:') for p in self.package_data['updates']: print( f"{p.get('action')!s:<20}{c.Style.BRIGHT}{c.Fore.CYAN} {p.get('output')!s:<50}" ) # Packaging print(f'\n{c.Style.BRIGHT}{c.Fore.BLUE}Package:') for p in self.package_data['package']: if isinstance(p.get('output'), list): n = 5 list_data = p.get('output') print( f"{p.get('action'):<20}{c.Style.BRIGHT}{c.Fore.CYAN} " f"{', '.join(p.get('output')[:n]):<50}" ) del list_data[:n] for data in [ list_data[i : i + n] for i in range(0, len(list_data), n) # noqa: E203 ]: print(f'''{''!s:<20}{c.Style.BRIGHT}{c.Fore.CYAN} {', '.join(data)!s:<50}''') else: print( f'''{p.get('action')!s:<20}{c.Style.BRIGHT}''' f'''{c.Fore.CYAN} {p.get('output')!s:<50}''' ) # ignore exit code if not self.ignore_validation: print('\n') # separate errors from normal output # print all errors for error in self.package_data.get('errors'): print(f'{c.Fore.RED}{error}') self.exit_code = 1
[docs] def zip_file(self, app_path: Path, app_name: Path, tmp_path: Path): """Zip the App with tcex extension. Args: app_path: The path of the current project. app_name: The name of the App. tmp_path: The temp output path for the zip. """ # zip build directory zip_fqpn = Path(os.path.join(app_path, self.output_dir, app_name)) # create App package shutil.make_archive(zip_fqpn, format='zip', root_dir=tmp_path, base_dir=app_name) # rename the app swapping .zip for .tcx, some filename have "v1.0" which causes # the extra dot to be treated as an extension in pathlib. zip_fqfn = os.path.join(app_path, self.output_dir, f'{app_name}.zip') tcx_fqfn = os.path.join(app_path, self.output_dir, f'{app_name}.tcx') shutil.move(zip_fqfn, tcx_fqfn) # update package data self.package_data['package'].append({'action': 'App Package:', 'output': tcx_fqfn})