Source code for tcex.key_value_store.key_value_api

"""TcEx Framework Key Value API Module"""
# standard library
from typing import Any
from urllib.parse import quote

# first-party
from tcex.app_config.install_json import InstallJson
from tcex.key_value_store.key_value_abc import KeyValueABC

[docs]class KeyValueApi(KeyValueABC): """TcEx Key Value API Module. Args: session: A configured requests session for TC API (tcex.session). """ def __init__(self, session: object): """Initialize the Class properties.""" self._session = session # properties self.ij = InstallJson() self.kv_type = 'api'
[docs] def create(self, context: str, key: str, value: Any) -> str: """Create key/value pair in remote KV store. Args: context: A specific context for the create. key: The key to create in remote KV store. value: The value to store in remote KV store. Returns: (string): The response from the API call. """ key: str = quote(key, safe='~') headers = {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'} # this conditional is only required while there are TC instances < 6.0.7 in the wild. # once all TC instance are > 6.0.7 the context endpoint should work for PB Apps. url = f'/internal/playbooks/keyValue/{key}' if self.ij.model.is_service_app: url = f'/internal/playbooks/keyValue/{context}/{key}' r = self._session.put(url, data=value, headers=headers) return r.content
[docs] def read(self, context: str, key: str) -> Any: """Read data from remote KV store for the provided key. Args: context: A specific context for the create. key: The key to read in remote KV store. Returns: (any): The response data from the remote KV store. """ key = quote(key, safe='~') # this conditional is only required while there are TC instances < 6.0.7 in the wild. # once all TC instance are > 6.0.7 the context endpoint should work for PB Apps. url = f'/internal/playbooks/keyValue/{key}' if self.ij.model.is_service_app: url = f'/internal/playbooks/keyValue/{context}/{key}' r = self._session.get(url) data = r.content # Binary data for PB Apps is base64 encoded, for service Apps it is not if data is not None and isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode('utf-8') return data