Source code for

"""TcEx Framework API Service module."""
# standard library
import concurrent.futures
import json
import sys
import threading
import traceback
from functools import reduce
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

# first-party
from tcex.input.field_types.sensitive import Sensitive
from import CommonService

[docs]class ApiService(CommonService): """TcEx Framework API Service module.""" def __init__(self, tcex: object): """Initialize the Class properties. Args: tcex: Instance of TcEx. """ super().__init__(tcex) # properties self._metrics = {'Errors': 0, 'Requests': 0, 'Responses': 0} # config callbacks self.api_event_callback = None # thread pool to handle HTTP requests self.request_thread_pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) @property def command_map(self) -> dict: """Return the command map for the current Service type.""" command_map = super().command_map command_map.update({'runservice': self.process_run_service_command}) return command_map
[docs] def format_query_string(self, params: dict) -> str: """Convert name/value array to a query string. Args: params: The query params for the request. Returns: str: The query params reformatted as a string. """ query_string = [] try: for q in params: query_string.append(f'''{q.get('name')}={q.get('value')}''') except AttributeError as e: self.log.error( f'feature=api-service, event=bad-params-provided, params={params}, error="""{e})"""' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) return '&'.join(query_string)
[docs] def format_request_headers(self, headers: dict) -> dict: """Convert name/value array to a headers dict. Args: headers: The dict of key/value header data. Returns: dict: The restructured header data. """ headers_ = {} try: for h in headers: # TODO: either support tuple or csv list of values # headers_.setdefault(h.get('name').lower(), []).append(h.get('value')) headers_.setdefault(h.get('name').lower(), str(h.get('value'))) except AttributeError as e: self.log.error( f'feature=api-service, event=bad-headers-provided, ' f'headers={headers}, error="""{e})"""' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) return headers_
[docs] def format_response_headers(self, headers: dict) -> dict: """Convert name/value array to a query string. Args: headers: The dict header data to be converted to key/value pairs. Returns: dict: The restructured header data. """ headers_ = [] try: for h in headers: headers_.append({'name': h[0], 'value': h[1]}) except AttributeError as e: self.log.error( f'feature=api-service, event=bad-headers-provided, ' f'headers={headers}, error="""{e})"""' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) return headers_
[docs] def process_run_service_response(self, *args, **kwargs): """Handle service event responses. ('200 OK', [('content-type', 'application/json'), ('content-length', '103')]) """'feature=api-service, event=response-received, status=waiting-for-body') kwargs.get('event').wait(30) # wait for thread event - (set on body write) self.log.trace(f'feature=api-service, event=response, args={args}') try: status_code, status = args[0].split(' ', 1) response = { 'bodyVariable': 'response.body', 'command': 'Acknowledged', 'headers': self.format_response_headers(args[1]), 'requestKey': kwargs.get('request_key'), # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop 'status': status, 'statusCode': status_code, 'type': 'RunService', }'feature=api-service, event=response-sent') self.message_broker.publish(json.dumps(response), self.args.tc_svc_client_topic) self.increment_metric('Responses') except Exception as e: self.log.error( f'feature=api-service, event=failed-creating-response-body, error="""{e}"""' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) self.increment_metric('Errors')
[docs] def process_run_service_command(self, message: dict): """Process the RunService command. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 1 { "command": "RunService", "apiToken": "abc123", "bodyVariable": "request.body", "headers": [ { key/value pairs } ], "method": "GET", "queryParams": [ { key/value pairs } ], "requestKey": "123abc", "userConfig": [{ "name": "tlpExportSetting", "value": "TLP:RED" }], } Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """ # register config apiToken (before any logging) self.token.register_token( self.thread_name, Sensitive(message.get('apiToken')), message.get('expireSeconds') )'feature=api-service, event=runservice-command, message="{message}"') # thread event used to block response until body is written event = threading.Event() # process message request_key: str = message.get('requestKey') body = None try: # read body from redis body_variable: str = message.pop('bodyVariable', None) if body_variable is not None: body: Any =, body_variable) if body is not None: # for API service the data in Redis is not b64 encoded body = BytesIO(body) except Exception as e: self.log.error(f'feature=api-service, event=failed-reading-body, error="""{e}"""') self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) headers: dict = self.format_request_headers(message.pop('headers')) method: str = message.pop('method') params: dict = message.pop('queryParams') path: str = message.pop('path') try: environ = { 'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr, 'wsgi.input': body, 'wsgi.multithread': True, 'wsgi.multiprocess': False, 'wsgi.run_once': True, 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'https', 'wsgi.version': (1, 0), 'PATH_INFO': path, 'QUERY_STRING': self.format_query_string(params), 'REMOTE_ADDR': message.get('remoteAddress', ''), # 'REMOTE_HOST': message.get('remoteAddress', ''), 'REQUEST_METHOD': method.upper(), 'SCRIPT_NAME': '/', 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': '', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.1', } # Add user config for TAXII or other service that supports the data type environ['user_config'] = message.get('userConfig', []) # add headers if headers.get('content-type') is not None: environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = headers.pop('content-type') # add content length if headers.get('content-length') is not None: environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = headers.pop('content-length') for header, value in headers.items(): environ[f'HTTP_{header}'.upper()] = value # make values from message available in env in camel # case (e.g., falcon -> req.env.get('request_url)) for key, value in message.items(): if key not in environ and self.tcex.utils.camel_to_snake(key) not in environ: environ[self.tcex.utils.camel_to_snake(key)] = value self.log.trace(f'feature=api-service, environ={environ}') self.increment_metric('Requests') except Exception as e: self.log.error(f'feature=api-service, event=failed-building-environ, error="""{e}"""') self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) self.increment_metric('Errors') return # stop processing def response_handler(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Handle WSGI Response""" kwargs['event'] = event # add event to kwargs for blocking kwargs['request_key'] = request_key self.service_thread( name='response-handler', target=self.process_run_service_response, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) if callable(self.api_event_callback): try: body_data: Any = self.api_event_callback( # pylint: disable=not-callable environ, response_handler ) if body_data: body_data = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, body_data) # write body to Redis if body_data: self.key_value_store.create(request_key, 'response.body', body_data) # set thread event to True to trigger response'feature=api-service, event=response-body-written') # release event lock event.set() except Exception as e: self.log.error( f'feature=api-service, event=api-event-callback-failed, error="""{e}""".' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) self.increment_metric('Errors') # unregister config apiToken self.token.unregister_token(self.thread_name)
[docs] def process_shutdown_command(self, message: dict): """Handle shutdown command.""" super().process_shutdown_command(message) self.request_thread_pool.shutdown()
[docs] def service_thread( self, name: str, target: Callable[[], bool], args: Optional[tuple] = None, kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, trigger_id: Optional[int] = None, ): """If this is a run-service command, run it with the thread pool. For everything else, use parent's implementation. Args: name: The name of the thread. target: The method to call for the thread. args: The args to pass to the target method. kwargs: Additional args. session_id: The current session id. trigger_id: The current trigger id. """ args = args or () kwargs = kwargs or {} def _thread_wrapper(): t = threading.current_thread() t.setName(name) t.session_id = session_id t.trigger_id = trigger_id target(*args, **kwargs) if target is self.process_run_service_command:'feature=service, event=request-thread-creation, name={name}') self.request_thread_pool.submit(_thread_wrapper) else: super().service_thread(name, target, args, kwargs, session_id, trigger_id)