Source code for

"""TcEx Framework Service Common module"""
# standard library
import json
import logging
import threading
import time
import traceback
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Union

# first-party
from import MqttMessageBroker

    # first-party
    from tcex.app_config import InstallJson

# get tcex logger
logger = logging.getLogger('tcex')

[docs]class CommonService: """TcEx Framework Service Common module Shared service logic between the supported service types: * API Service * Custom Trigger Service * Webhook Trigger Service """ def __init__(self, tcex: object): """Initialize the Class properties. Args: tcex: Instance of TcEx. """ self.tcex = tcex # properties self._ready = False self._start_time = self.args: object = tcex.inputs.model self.configs = {} self.heartbeat_max_misses = 3 self.heartbeat_sleep_time = 1 self.heartbeat_watchdog = 0 self.ij: 'InstallJson' = tcex.ij self.key_value_store = self.tcex.key_value_store self.log = logger self.logger = tcex.logger self.message_broker = MqttMessageBroker( broker_host=self.args.tc_svc_broker_host, broker_port=self.args.tc_svc_broker_port, broker_timeout=self.args.tc_svc_broker_conn_timeout, broker_token=self.args.tc_svc_broker_token, broker_cacert=self.args.tc_svc_broker_cacert_file, ) self.ready = False self.redis_client = self.tcex.redis_client self.token = tcex.token # config callbacks self.shutdown_callback = None
[docs] def _create_logging_handler(self): """Create a logging handler.""" if self.logger.handler_exist(self.thread_name): return # create trigger id logging filehandler self.logger.add_pattern_file_handler( name=self.thread_name, filename=f'''{'%Y%m%d')}/{self.session_id}.log''', level=self.args.tc_log_level, path=self.args.tc_log_path, # uuid4 pattern for session_id pattern=r'^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}.log$', handler_key=self.session_id, thread_key='session_id', )
[docs] def process_acknowledged_command(self, message: dict): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Process the Acknowledge command. Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """'feature=service, event=acknowledge, message={message}')
[docs] def add_metric(self, label: str, value: Union[int, str]): """Add a metric. Metrics are reported in heartbeat message. Args: label: The metric label (e.g., hits) to add. value: The value for the metric. """ self._metrics[label] = value
@property def command_map(self) -> dict: """Return the command map for the current Service type.""" return { 'acknowledged': self.process_acknowledged_command, 'brokercheck': self.process_broker_check, 'heartbeat': self.process_heartbeat_command, 'loggingchange': self.process_logging_change_command, 'shutdown': self.process_shutdown_command, }
[docs] @staticmethod def create_session_id() -> str: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Return a uuid4 session id. Returns: str: A unique UUID string value. """ return str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs] def heartbeat(self): """Start heartbeat process.""" self.service_thread(name='heartbeat', target=self.heartbeat_monitor)
[docs] def heartbeat_broker_check(self): """Send self check message to ensure communications with message broker.""" message = { 'command': 'BrokerCheck', 'date': str(, 'heartbeat_watchdog': self.heartbeat_watchdog, } self.message_broker.publish( message=json.dumps(message), topic=self.args.tc_svc_server_topic ) # allow time for message to be received time.sleep(5)
[docs] def heartbeat_monitor(self): """Publish heartbeat on timer."""'feature=service, event=heartbeat-monitor-started') while True: # check heartbeat is not missed if self.heartbeat_watchdog > ( int(self.args.tc_svc_hb_timeout_seconds) / int(self.heartbeat_sleep_time) ): # send self check message self.heartbeat_broker_check() self.log.error( 'feature=service, event=missed-heartbeat, action=shutting-service-down' ) self.process_shutdown_command({'reason': 'Missed heartbeat commands.'}) break time.sleep(self.heartbeat_sleep_time) self.heartbeat_watchdog += 1
[docs] def increment_metric(self, label: str, value: Optional[int] = 1): """Increment a metric if already exists. Args: label: The metric label (e.g., hits) to increment. value: The increment value. Defaults to 1. """ if self._metrics.get(label) is not None: self._metrics[label] += value
[docs] def listen(self): """List for message coming from broker.""" self.message_broker.add_on_connect_callback(self.on_connect_handler) self.message_broker.add_on_message_callback( self.on_message_handler, topics=[self.args.tc_svc_server_topic] ) self.message_broker.register_callbacks() # start listener thread self.service_thread(name='broker-listener', target=self.message_broker.connect)
[docs] def loop_forever(self, sleep: Optional[int] = 1) -> bool: """Block and wait for shutdown. Args: sleep: The amount of time to sleep between iterations. Defaults to 1. Returns: Bool: Returns True until shutdown received. """ while True: deadline = time.time() + sleep while time.time() < deadline: if self.message_broker.shutdown: return False time.sleep(1) return True
@property def metrics(self) -> dict: """Return current metrics.""" # TODO: move to trigger command and handle API Service if self._metrics.get('Active Playbooks') is not None: self.update_metric('Active Playbooks', len(self.configs)) return self._metrics @metrics.setter def metrics(self, metrics: dict): """Return current metrics.""" if isinstance(metrics, dict): self._metrics = metrics else: self.log.error('feature=service, event=invalid-metrics')
[docs] def on_connect_handler(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """On connect method for mqtt broker.""" f'feature=service, event=topic-subscription, topic={self.args.tc_svc_server_topic}' ) self.message_broker.client.subscribe(self.args.tc_svc_server_topic) self.message_broker.client.disable_logger()
[docs] def on_message_handler(self, client, userdata, message): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """On message for mqtt.""" try: # messages on server topic must be json objects m = json.loads(message.payload) except ValueError: self.log.warning( f'feature=service, event=parsing-issue, message="""{message.payload}"""' ) return # use the command to call the appropriate method defined in command_map command: str = m.get('command', 'invalid').lower() trigger_id: Optional[int] = m.get('triggerId') if trigger_id is not None: # coerce trigger_id to int in case a string was provided (testing framework) trigger_id = int(trigger_id)'feature=service, event=command-received, command="{command}"') # create unique session id to be used as thread name # and stored as property of thread for logging emit session_id = self.create_session_id() # get the target method from command_map for the current command thread_method = self.command_map.get(command, self.process_invalid_command) self.service_thread( # use session_id as thread name to provide easy debugging per thread name=session_id, target=thread_method, args=(m,), session_id=session_id, trigger_id=trigger_id, )
[docs] def process_broker_check(self, message: dict): """Implement parent method to log a broker check message. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 1 { "command": "BrokerCheck", } Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """ self.log.warning(f'feature=service, event=broker-check, message={message}')
[docs] def process_heartbeat_command(self, message: dict): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Process the HeartBeat command. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 1 { "command": "Heartbeat", "metric": {}, "memoryPercent": 0, "cpuPercent": 0 } Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """ self.heartbeat_watchdog = 0 # send heartbeat -acknowledge- command response = {'command': 'Heartbeat', 'metric': self.metrics} self.message_broker.publish( message=json.dumps(response), topic=self.args.tc_svc_client_topic )'feature=service, event=heartbeat-sent, metrics={self.metrics}')
[docs] def process_logging_change_command(self, message: dict): """Process the LoggingChange command. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 1 { "command": "LoggingChange", "level": "DEBUG" } Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """ level: str = message.get('level')'feature=service, event=logging-change, level={level}') self.logger.update_handler_level(level)
[docs] def process_invalid_command(self, message: dict): """Process all invalid commands. Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """ self.log.warning( f'feature=service, event=invalid-command-received, message="""({message})""".' )
[docs] def process_shutdown_command(self, message: dict): """Implement parent method to process the shutdown command. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 1 { "command": "Shutdown", "reason": "Service disabled by user." } Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """ reason = message.get('reason') or ( 'A shutdown command was received on server topic. Service is shutting down.' )'feature=service, event=shutdown, reason={reason}') # acknowledge shutdown command self.message_broker.publish( json.dumps({'command': 'Acknowledged', 'type': 'Shutdown'}), self.args.tc_svc_client_topic, ) # call App shutdown callback if callable(self.shutdown_callback): try: # call callback for shutdown and handle exceptions to protect thread self.shutdown_callback() # pylint: disable=not-callable except Exception as e: self.log.error( f'feature=service, event=shutdown-callback-error, error="""({e})""".' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) # unsubscribe and disconnect from the broker self.message_broker.client.unsubscribe(self.args.tc_svc_server_topic) self.message_broker.client.disconnect() # update shutdown flag self.message_broker.shutdown = True
# TODO: [review] this doesn't help if MainThread does not die. # # delay shutdown to give App time to cleanup # time.sleep(5) # self.tcex.exit(ExitCode.SUCCESS) # final shutdown in case App did not @property def ready(self) -> bool: """Return ready boolean.""" return self._ready @ready.setter def ready(self, bool_val: bool): """Set ready boolean.""" if isinstance(bool_val, bool) and bool_val is True: # wait until connected to send ready command while not self.message_broker._connected: if self.message_broker.shutdown: break time.sleep(1) else: # pylint: disable=useless-else-on-loop'feature=service, event=service-ready') ready_command = {'command': 'Ready'} if self.ij.model.is_api_service_app and self.ij.model.service: ready_command['discoveryTypes'] = self.ij.model.service.discovery_types self.message_broker.publish( json.dumps(ready_command), self.args.tc_svc_client_topic ) self._ready = True
[docs] def service_thread( self, name: str, target: Callable[[], bool], args: Optional[tuple] = None, kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, trigger_id: Optional[int] = None, ): """Start a message thread. Args: name: The name of the thread. target: The method to call for the thread. args: The args to pass to the target method. kwargs: Additional args. session_id: The current session id. trigger_id: The current trigger id. """'feature=service, event=service-thread-creation, name={name}') args = args or () try: t = threading.Thread(name=name, target=target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, daemon=True) # add session_id to thread to use in logger emit t.session_id = session_id # add trigger_id to thread to use in logger emit t.trigger_id = trigger_id t.start() except Exception: self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc())
@property def session_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the current session_id.""" if not hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'session_id'): threading.current_thread().session_id = self.create_session_id() return threading.current_thread().session_id @property def thread_name(self) -> str: """Return a uuid4 session id.""" return threading.current_thread().name @property def trigger_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return the current trigger_id.""" trigger_id = None if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'trigger_id'): trigger_id = threading.current_thread().trigger_id if trigger_id is not None: trigger_id = int(trigger_id) return trigger_id
[docs] def update_metric(self, label: str, value: Union[int, str]): """Update a metric if already exists. Args: label: The metric label (e.g., hits) to update. value: The updated value for the metric. """ if self._metrics.get(label) is not None: self._metrics[label] = value