Source code for

"""TcEx Framework Service Trigger Common module."""
# standard library
import json
import os
import threading
import traceback
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union

# first-party
from tcex.pleb.registry import registry
from import CommonService

[docs]class CommonServiceTrigger(CommonService): """TcEx Framework Service Trigger Common module. Shared service logic between the supported service types: * Custom Trigger Service * Webhook Trigger Service """ def __init__(self, tcex: object): """Initialize the Class properties. Args: tcex: Instance of TcEx. """ super().__init__(tcex) # properties self._metrics = {'Active Playbooks': 0, 'Errors': 0, 'Hits': 0, 'Misses': 0} self.configs = {} self.config_thread = None # config callbacks self.create_config_callback = None self.delete_config_callback = None self.trigger_input_model = None
[docs] def _tcex_testing(self, session_id: str, trigger_id: int): """Write data required for testing framework to Redis. Args: session_id: The context/session id value for the current operation. trigger_id: The trigger ID for the current playbook. """ if self.args.tcex_testing_context is not None: _context_tracker: str = ( self.redis_client.hget(self.args.tcex_testing_context, '_context_tracker') or '[]' ) _context_tracker = json.loads(_context_tracker) _context_tracker.append(session_id) self.redis_client.hset( self.args.tcex_testing_context, '_context_tracker', json.dumps(_context_tracker), ) self.redis_client.hset(session_id, '_trigger_id', trigger_id) # log 'feature=service, event=testing-context-tracker, ' f'context={session_id}, trigger-id={trigger_id}' )
[docs] def _tcex_testing_fired_events(self, session_id: str, fired: bool): """Write fired event data to KV Store to be used in test validation. Args: session_id: The context/session id value for the current operation. fired: The value to increment the count by. """ if self.args.tcex_testing_context is not None: self.redis_client.hset( session_id, '#Trigger:9876:_fired!String', json.dumps(str(fired).lower()) )
@property def command_map(self) -> dict: """Return the command map for the current Service type.""" command_map = super().command_map command_map.update( { 'createconfig': self.process_create_config_command, 'deleteconfig': self.process_delete_config_command, } ) return command_map
[docs] def create_config(self, trigger_id: int, message: str, status: bool): """Add config item to service config object. Args: trigger_id: The trigger ID for the current config. message: A simple message for the action. status: The passed/fail status for the App handling of config. logfile: The CreateConfig logfile to return in response ack. """ try: if status is not True and self.configs.get(str(trigger_id)) is not None: # add config to configs del self.configs[str(trigger_id)] # send ack response self.message_broker.publish( json.dumps( { 'command': 'Acknowledged', 'logFile': os.path.join( os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(self.trigger_logfile)), os.path.basename(self.trigger_logfile), ), 'message': message, 'status': 'Success' if status is True else 'Failed', 'type': 'CreateConfig', 'triggerId': trigger_id, } ), self.args.tc_svc_client_topic, ) except Exception as e: self.log.error( 'feature=service, event=create-config-callback-exception, ' f'trigger-id={trigger_id}, error="""{e}"""' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def delete_config(self, trigger_id: int, message: str, status: str): """Delete config item from config object. Args: trigger_id: The trigger ID for the current config. message: A simple message for the action. status: The passed/fail status for the App handling of config. """ try: # always delete config from configs dict, even when status is False del self.configs[trigger_id] # send ack response self.message_broker.publish( json.dumps( { 'command': 'Acknowledged', 'message': message, 'status': 'Success' if status is True else 'Failed', 'type': 'DeleteConfig', 'triggerId': trigger_id, } ), self.args.tc_svc_client_topic, ) except Exception as e: self.log.error( 'feature=service, event=delete-config-callback-exception, ' f'trigger-id={trigger_id}, error="""{e}"""' )
# self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def fire_event(self, callback: Callable[[], bool], **kwargs): """Trigger a FireEvent command. Args: callback: The trigger method in the App to call. trigger_ids: A list of trigger ids to trigger. """ if not callable(callback): raise RuntimeError('Callback method (callback) is not a callable.') # get developer passed trigger_ids trigger_ids: Optional[list] = kwargs.pop('trigger_ids', None) for trigger_id, config in list(self.configs.items()): if trigger_ids is not None and trigger_id not in trigger_ids: # skip config that don't match developer provided trigger ids continue try: # get a session_id specifically for this thread session_id: str = self.create_session_id() # only required for testing in tcex framework self._tcex_testing(session_id, trigger_id) # get an instance of PB module with current # session_id and outputs to pass to callback outputs: Union[list, str] = config.tc_playbook_out_variables or [] if isinstance(outputs, str): outputs = outputs.split(',') playbook: object = self.tcex.get_playbook( context=session_id, output_variables=outputs )'feature=trigger-service, event=fire-event, trigger-id={session_id}') # current thread has session_id as name self.service_thread( name=session_id, target=self.fire_event_trigger, args=( callback, playbook, session_id, trigger_id, config, ), kwargs=kwargs, session_id=session_id, trigger_id=trigger_id, ) except Exception: self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def update_trigger_value(self, trigger_id: int, input_name: str, new_value: Any): """Send UpdateTriggerValue command. Args: trigger_id: the ID of the trigger to update. input_name: the name of the input to update. new_value: the new value for the input. """ msg = { 'command': 'UpdateTriggerValue', 'triggerId': trigger_id, 'inputName': input_name, 'inputValue': new_value, }'feature=service, event=update-trigger-value, msg={msg}') self.message_broker.publish(json.dumps(msg), self.args.tc_svc_client_topic)
[docs] def fire_event_publish( self, trigger_id: int, session_id: str, request_key: Optional[str] = None ): """Send FireEvent command. Args: trigger_id: The ID of the trigger. session_id: The generated session for this fired event. request_key: The request key for this response. """ msg = { 'command': 'FireEvent', 'triggerId': trigger_id, # reference to single playbook 'sessionId': session_id, # session for the playbook execution } if request_key is not None: msg['requestKey'] = request_key # reference for a specific playbook execution'feature=service, event=fire-event, msg={msg}') # publish FireEvent command to client topic self.message_broker.publish(json.dumps(msg), self.args.tc_svc_client_topic)
[docs] def fire_event_trigger( self, callback: Callable[[], bool], playbook: object, session_id: str, trigger_id: int, config: dict, **kwargs: str, ): """Fire event for trigger. Args: callback: The App callback method for firing an event. playbook: A configure playbook instance for using to interact with KvStore. session_id: The current session Id. trigger_id: The current trigger Id. config: A dict containing the configuration information. """ self._create_logging_handler()'feature=trigger-service, event=fire-event-trigger') try: if callback(playbook, trigger_id, config, **kwargs): self.increment_metric('Hits') self.fire_event_publish(trigger_id, session_id) # capture fired status for testing framework self._tcex_testing_fired_events(session_id, True) else: self.increment_metric('Misses') 'feature=trigger-service, event=fire-event-callback-miss, ' f'trigger-id={trigger_id}' ) # capture fired status for testing framework self._tcex_testing_fired_events(session_id, False) except Exception as e: self.increment_metric('Errors') self.log.error( f'feature=trigger-service, event=fire-event-callback-exception, error="""{e}"""' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) finally: self.logger.remove_handler_by_name(self.thread_name)
[docs] def log_config(self, trigger_id: str, config: dict): """Log the config while hiding encrypted values. Args: trigger_id: The current trigger Id. config: The configuration to be logged. """ logged_config = config.copy() for param in self.ij.model.params: if param.encrypt and config.__contains__( logged_config[param.get('name')] = '***' f'feature=service, event=create-config, trigger_id={trigger_id}, config={logged_config}' )
[docs] def process_create_config_command(self, message: dict): """Process the CreateConfig command. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 1 { "appId": 387, "command": "CreateConfig", "triggerId": 1, "config": { "password": "test-pass", "username": "test-user", "cc_action": "pass", "tc_playbook_out_variables": "#Trigger:1:testing.body!String" }, "apiToken": "SVC:8:QQuyIp:1596817138182:387:+9vBOAT8Y56caHRcjLa4IwAqABoatsYOU ... ", "expireSeconds": 1596817138 } Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """ config: dict = message.get('config') status = True trigger_id = int(message.get('triggerId')) # create trigger id logging filehandler self.logger.add_thread_file_handler( backup_count=1, # required for logs to be rotated name=self.thread_name, filename=self.trigger_logfile, level=self.args.tc_log_level, max_bytes=1048576, # 1Mb path=self.args.tc_log_path, handler_key=trigger_id, thread_key='trigger_id', ) # log the config self.log_config(trigger_id, config) # register config apiToken self.token.register_token(trigger_id, message.get('apiToken'), message.get('expireSeconds')) # temporarily add config, will be removed if callback fails self.configs[trigger_id] = config msg = 'Create Config' if callable(self.create_config_callback): kwargs = {} if self.ij.model.is_webhook_trigger_app: # only webhook triggers get and require the PB url kwargs['url'] = message.get('url') try: # Resolve any variables in config updated_config = { k: ( registry.inputs.resolve_variable(v) if registry.inputs.utils.is_tc_variable(v) else v ) for k, v in config.items() } updated_config['trigger_id'] = trigger_id # Instantiate trigger input model # pylint: disable=not-callable config_input = self.trigger_input_model(**updated_config) self.configs[trigger_id] = config_input # call callback for create config and handle exceptions to protect thread # pylint: disable=not-callable response: Optional[dict] = self.create_config_callback(config_input, **kwargs) if isinstance(response, dict): status = response.get('status', False) msg = response.get('msg') # if callback does not return a boolean value assume it worked if not isinstance(status, bool): status = True except Exception as e: status = False msg = str(e) self.log.error( f'feature=service, event=create-config-callback-exception, error="""{e}"""' ) self.log.error(message) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) # create config after callback to report status and message self.create_config(trigger_id, msg, status)
[docs] def process_delete_config_command(self, message: dict): """Process the DeleteConfig command. .. code-block:: python :linenos: :lineno-start: 1 { "appId": 387, "command": "DeleteConfig", "triggerId": 1 } Args: message: The message payload from the server topic. """ status = True trigger_id = int(message.get('triggerId'))'feature=service, event=delete-config, trigger_id={trigger_id}') # unregister config apiToken self.token.unregister_token(trigger_id) msg = 'Delete Config' if callable(self.delete_config_callback): try: # call callback for delete config and handle exceptions to protect thread # pylint: disable=not-callable status: Optional[bool] = self.delete_config_callback(trigger_id) # if callback does not return a boolean value assume it worked if not isinstance(status, bool): status = True except Exception as e: self.log.error( f'feature=service, event=delete-config-callback-exception, error="""{e}"""' ) self.log.trace(traceback.format_exc()) status = False # delete config self.delete_config(trigger_id, msg, status) # remove temporary logging file handler self.logger.remove_handler_by_name(self.thread_name)
@property def trigger_logfile(self) -> str: """Return the logfile name based on date and thread name.""" return f'''trigger-id-{self.thread_trigger_id}.log''' @property def thread_trigger_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the current thread trigger id.""" trigger_id = None if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'trigger_id'): trigger_id = threading.current_thread().trigger_id return trigger_id