Intelligence Requirement Results

An Intelligence Requirement (IR) is a collection of topics or a research question reflecting an organization’s cyber threat–related priorities that guides a security or threat intelligence team’s research and analysis efforts. In ThreatConnect, you can review local and global results returned by an IR’s keyword query and determine the appropriate course of action to take for each result: associate the result to the IR object, archive the result, or mark the result as a false result.

Endpoint: /api/v3/intelRequirements/results

Endpoint Options

Available Fields

Send the following request to retrieve a list of available fields, including each field’s name, description, and accepted data type, that can be included in the body of a POST or PUT request to the /v3/intelRequirements/results endpoint:

OPTIONS /v3/intelRequirements/results


To include read-only fields in the response, append ?show=readonly to the end of the request URL.

Include Additional Fields in Responses

When creating, retrieving, or updating data, you can use the fields query parameter to include additional fields in the API response that are not included by default.

Send the following request to retrieve a list of fields you can include in responses returned from the /v3/intelRequirements/results endpoint:

OPTIONS /v3/intelRequirements/results/fields

Filter Results

When retrieving data, you can use the tql query parameter to filter results with ThreatConnect Query Language (TQL).

Send the following request to retrieve a list of valid TQL parameters you can use when including the tql query parameter in a request to the /v3/intelRequirements/results endpoint:

OPTIONS /v3/intelRequirements/results/tql


Response Body

The default response returned from successful GET and PUT requests to the /v3/intelRequirements/results endpoint includes one or more objects with the following fields:

  • id: <Integer> The result’s ID number.

  • matchedDate: <DateTime> The date and time when the result matched the IR’s keyword query (ISO 8601 format).

  • name: <String> The name/summary of the ThreatConnect object corresponding to the result.

  • ownerId: <Integer> The ID number of the owner of the ThreatConnect object corresponding to the result. This field is only included in the response body when the ThreatConnect object belongs to an owner.

  • ownerName: <String> The name of the owner of the owner of the ThreatConnect object corresponding to the result. This field is only included in the response body when the ThreatConnect object belongs to an owner.

  • itemId: <Integer> The ID number of the ThreatConnect object corresponding to the result. This field is only included in the response body when the ThreatConnect object belongs to an owner.

  • itemType: <String> The type of ThreatConnect object corresponding to the result.

  • internal: <Boolean> Specifies whether the result is a local result from your Organization or one of your Communities or Sources.

  • falsePositive: <Boolean> Specifies whether the result has been marked as a false result.

  • associated: <Boolean> Specifies whether the result has been associated to the IR.

  • archived: <Boolean> Specifies whether the result has been archived.

  • archivedDate: <DateTime> The date and time when the result was archived (ISO 8601 format). This field is only included in the response body when the result is archived.

  • score: <Integer> A weighted score indicating the relevancy of the result. This field is only included in the response body when a score is available for the result.


    "id": <int>,
    "matchedDate": "<datetime>",
    "name": "<string>",
    "ownerId": <int>,
    "ownerName": "<string>",
    "itemId": <int>,
    "itemType": "<string>",
    "internal": <boolean>,
    "falsePositive": <boolean>,
    "associated": <boolean>,
    "archived": <boolean>,
    "archivedDate": "<datetime>",
    "score": <int>

Retrieve Intelligence Requirement Results

Retrieve All Intelligence Requirement Results

Send the following request to retrieve data for all results for all IRs in your Organization.


GET /v3/intelRequirements/results


    "next": "",
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "matchedDate": "2023-08-29T16:46:58Z",
            "name": "CC9E6578A47182A941A478B276320E06 : CB872EDD1F532C10D0167C99530A65C4D4532A1E : 40AE43B7D6C413BECC92B07076FA128B875C8DBB4DA7C036639ECCF5A9FC784F",
            "ownerId": 83,
            "ownerName": "ThreatConnect Intelligence",
            "itemId": 100,
            "itemType": "File",
            "internal": false,
            "falsePositive": false,
            "associated": false,
            "archived": false
            "id": 2,
            "matchedDate": "2023-08-29T17:15:51Z",
            "name": "Stop DJVU - A ransomware family wreaking havoc among home users",
            "ownerId": 115,
            "ownerName": "Intel 471 Malware Intelligence",
            "itemId": 75,
            "itemType": "report",
            "internal": true,
            "falsePositive": false,
            "associated": false,
            "archived": false,
            "score": 1946


To filter results based on whether they’ve been archived, associated to their corresponding IR, or marked as a false positive, include the tql query parameter in the request URI and assign it a value of isArchived, isAssociated, or isFalsePositive, respectively.

Retrieve a Specific Intelligence Requirement Result

Send a request in the following format to retrieve data for a specific result.

Example Request

GET /v3/intelRequirements/results/{resultId}

For example, the following request will retrieve data for the result whose ID is 2.


GET /v3/intelRequirements/result/2


    "data": {
        "id": 2,
        "matchedDate": "2023-08-29T17:15:51Z",
        "name": "Stop DJVU - A ransomware family wreaking havoc among home users",
        "ownerId": 115,
        "ownerName": "Intel 471 Malware Intelligence",
        "itemId": 2629735,
        "itemType": "report",
        "internal": true,
        "falsePositive": false,
        "associated": false,
        "archived": false,
        "score": 1946
    "status": "Success"

Update Intelligence Requirement Results

There are three actions you can perform when working with results for an IR:

  • Archive (or unarchive) the result

  • Associate the result to the IR object

  • Mark the result as a false result (i.e., false positive)


A result cannot have more than one of the following fields set to true at a given time: archived, associated, and falsePositive. Attempting to set more than two of these fields to true for a result will return an error.

Archive a Result

Send a request in the following format to archive a specific result.

Example Request

PUT /v3/intelRequirements/results/{resultId}
Content-Type: application/json

    "archived": true

For example, the following request will archive the result whose ID is 10.


PUT /v3/intelRequirements/results/10
Content-Type: application/json

    "archived": true


    "data": {
        "id": 10,
        "matchedDate": "2023-09-20T15:49:56Z",
        "name": "C0010",
        "itemType": "campaign",
        "internal": false,
        "falsePositive": false,
        "associated": false,
        "archived": true,
        "archivedDate": "2023-09-20T15:56:49Z"
    "message": "Updated",
    "status": "Success"


To unarchive an archived result, assign the archived field a value of false in the request body of the PUT request.

Associate a Result

Send a request in the following format to associate a specific result to its IR.

Example Request

PUT /v3/intelRequirements/results/{resultId}
Content-Type: application/json

    "associated": true

For example, the following request will associate the result whose ID is 11 to its IR.


PUT /v3/intelRequirements/results/11
Content-Type: application/json

    "associated": true


    "data": {
        "id": 11,
        "matchedDate": "2023-09-19T14:56:19Z",
        "name": "",
        "ownerId": 76,
        "ownerName": " URLHaus",
        "itemId": 1098,
        "itemType": "url",
        "internal": true,
        "falsePositive": false,
        "associated": true,
        "archived": false,
        "score": 1166
    "message": "Updated",
    "status": "Success"


When the associated field is set to true for a result, you cannot update the field’s value to false manually. Instead, you must dissociate the result from its IR, which will update the associated field’s value to false automatically.


When you associate a global result that does not exist in one of your ThreatConnect owners to an IR, a copy of the result will be created in your Organization and then associated to the IR.

Mark a Result as a False Result

Send a request in the following format to mark a result as a false result for the IR to which it corresponds.

Example Request

PUT /v3/intelRequirements/results/{resultId}
Content-Type: application/json

    "falsePositive": true

For example, the following request will mark the result whose ID is 12 as a false result for the IR to which it corresponds.


PUT /v3/intelRequirements/results/12
Content-Type: application/json

    "falsePositive": true


    "data": {
        "id": 12,
        "matchedDate": "2023-09-19T14:56:19Z",
        "name": "UNC2021",
        "ownerId": 197,
        "ownerName": "Mandiant Advantage Threat Intelligence",
        "itemId": 4855856,
        "itemType": "intrusion set",
        "internal": true,
        "falsePositive": true,
        "associated": false,
        "archived": false,
        "score": 1157
    "message": "Updated",
    "status": "Success"

Delete Intelligence Requirement Results

Send a request in the following format to delete a result.

Example Request

DELETE /v3/intelRequirements/results/{resultId}

For example, the following request will delete the result ID is 14.


DELETE /v3/intelRequirements/results/14


    "message": "Deleted",
    "status": "Success"


Deleting a result does not delete the Artifact, Case, Group, Indicator, Tag, or Victim to which it corresponds.