Playbook Executions

In ThreatConnect, you can use Playbooks to automate your cyberdefense tasks and custom processes. Once you design, activate, and execute a Playbook, it runs in real time and provides detailed logs of the execution. Details provided in the logs include the execution’s queued date, start date, completed date, and status.

Endpoint: /api/v3/playbook/executions

Endpoint Options

Available Fields

Send the following request to retrieve a list of available fields that may be included in responses returned from the /v3/playbook/executions endpoint, which is a read-only endpoint:

OPTIONS /v3/playbook/executions?show=readonly

Filter Results

When retrieving data, you can use the tql query parameter to filter results with ThreatConnect Query Language (TQL).

Send the following request to retrieve a list of valid TQL parameters you can use when including the tql query parameter in a request to the /v3/playbook/executions endpoint:

OPTIONS /v3/playbook/executions/tql


Response Body

The default response returned from a successful GET request to the /v3/playbook/executions endpoint includes one or more objects with the following fields:

  • id: <Integer> The Playbook execution’s ID number.

  • playbookId: <Integer> The ID number of the Playbook that was executed.

  • playbookXid: <String> The XID of the Playbook that was executed.

  • completedTime: <DateTime> The date and time when the Playbook execution completed.

  • logLevel: <String> The log level used during the Playbook execution.

  • status: <String> The Playbook execution’s status.

  • queueTime: <DateTime> The date and time when the Playbook execution was queued.

  • startTime: <DateTime> The date and time when the Playbook execution started.


    "id": <int>,
    "playbookId": <int>,
    "playbookXid": "<string>",
    "completedTime": "<datetime>",
    "logLevel": "<string>",
    "status": "<string>",
    "queueTime": "<datetime>",
    "startTime": "<datetime>"

Retrieve Playbook Executions

Retrieve All Playbook Executions

Send the following request to retrieve data for all Playbook executions in your Organization:


GET /v3/playbook/executions


    "data": [
            "id": 95,
            "playbookId": 13122,
            "playbookXid": "GiTVUWaN",
            "completedTime": "2024-04-04T21:39:42Z",
            "logLevel": "DEBUG",
            "status": "Completed",
            "queueTime": "2024-04-04T21:39:31Z",
            "startTime": "2024-04-04T21:39:31Z"
            "id": 94,
            "playbookId": 14000,
            "playbookXid": "etUM6cLX",
            "logLevel": "TRACE",
            "status": "Failed",
            "queueTime": "2024-02-21T14:22:32Z",
            "startTime": "2024-02-21T14:22:32Z"
    "countFailure": 25,
    "status": "Success",
    "countSuccess": 70


The countFailure and countSuccess fields provide the total number of failed and successful Playbook executions, respectively, included in the API response.

Retrieve Playbook Executions Completed During a Specific Time Range

The following request demonstrates how to use TQL to filter Playbook executions based on when they were completed. In the following example, the API request will retrieve data only for Playbook executions completed within the last hour:

Request (Decoded URL)

GET /v3/playbook/executions?tql=completedTime > "NOW() - 1 HOUR"

Request (Encoded URL)

GET /v3/playbook/executions?tql=completedTime%20%3E%20%22NOW()%20-%201%20HOUR%22

Retrieve Executions for a Specific Playbook

The following requests demonstrate how to use TQL to filter Playbook executions by the corresponding Playbook’s XID and ID number. For instructions on obtaining a Playbook’s XID and ID number, see Playbooks Overview.

Filter Executions by XID

In the following example, the API request will retrieve data only for executions of the Playbook whose XID is GiTVUWaN:

Request (Decoded URL)

GET /v3/playbook/executions?tql=playbookXid = "GiTVUWaN"

Request (Encoded URL)

GET /v3/playbook/executions?tql=playbookXid%20%3D%20%22GiTVUWaN%22

Filter Executions by ID Number

In the following example, the API request will retrieve data only for executions of the Playbook whose ID number is 12345:

Request (Decoded URL)

GET /v3/playbook/executions?tql=playbookId = 12345

Request (Encoded URL)

GET /v3/playbook/executions?tql=playbookId%20%3D%2012345