Custom Metrics

Custom metrics allow you to track data not available through other functionality in ThreatConnect. For example, you may want to know the number of times a particular Playbook was run. Data collected for custom metrics can be visualized on a dashboard with a User Metrics dashboard card.

Retrieving Custom Metrics

Retrieving All Custom Metrics

Send the following request to retrieve data for all custom metrics created in your Organization:

GET /v2/customMetrics

JSON Response:

  "status": "Success",
  "data": {
    "resultCount": 2,
    "customMetricConfig": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "playbookRuns",
        "dataType": "Sum",
        "interval": "Hourly",
        "keyedValues": true,
        "description": "Monitor Playbook runs"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "tasksCompleted",
        "dataType": "Sum",
        "interval": "Daily",
        "keyedValues": false,
        "description": "Track the number of completed Tasks"

Retrieving a Specific Custom Metric

Send a request in the following format to retrieve data for a specific custom metric created in your Organization:

GET /v2/customMetrics/{metricName or metricId}

Creating a Custom Metric

Send a request in the following format to create a custom metric:

POST /v2/customMetrics
  "name": "<string>",
  "dataType": "<string>",
  "interval": "<string>",
  "keyedValues": <boolean>,
  "description": "<string>"
  • name: <String> REQUIRED The metric’s name. (Minimum value: 1; Maximum value: 45)

  • dataType: <String> REQUIRED The metric’s data type. (Acceptable values: Average, Count, First, Last, Max, Min, Sum)

  • interval: <String> REQUIRED The time interval before the metric is reset, which starts on midnight of the day created for Daily, midnight of the first of the month for Monthly, and so forth. (Acceptable values: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)

  • keyedValues: <Boolean> Specifies whether the metric is a keyed metric. If this field is not included in the request body, a default value of false will be assigned to it, and the metric will be a non-keyed metric.

  • description: <String> The metric’s description. (Minimum value: 1; Maximum value: 500)

For example, the following request will create a non-keyed metric named dailyOccurrenceCount:

POST /v2/customMetrics
  "name": "dailyOccurrenceCount",
  "description": "A daily count of occurrences",
  "dataType": "Sum",
  "interval": "Daily",
  "keyedValues": false

JSON Response:

  "status": "Success",
  "data": {
    "customMetricConfig": {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "dailyOccurrenceCount",
      "dataType": "Sum",
      "interval": "Daily",
      "keyedValues": false,
      "description": "A daily count of occurrences"

Creating Content in a Custom Metric


When passing a DateTime field into a request, use a timestamp in ISO 8601 format (e.g. 2024-04-01T14:44:00Z).

Creating Content in a Keyed Metric

Send a request in the following format to add content to a keyed metric:

POST /v2/customMetrics/{metricName}/data
  "name": "<string>",
  "value": <int>,
  "date": "<datetime>",
  "weight": <int>
  • name: <String> REQUIRED The name of the key associated with the metric.

  • value: <Integer> REQUIRED The value to add to the specified key. If the metric’s data type is Count, then this field is not required.

  • date: <DateTime> The date and time when the provided value was added to the metric. If this field is not included in the request body, the default value will be today’s date.

  • weight: <Integer> The weight of the provided value.

For example, the following request will add one to the value stored in the app1 key in a playbookRuns metric:

POST /v2/customMetrics/playbookRuns/data
  "name": "app1",
  "value": 1

Creating Content in a Non-Keyed Metric

Send a request in the following format to

POST /v2/customMetrics/{metricName}/data
  "value": <int>,
  "date": "<datetime>",
  "weight": <int>
  • value: <Integer> REQUIRED The value to add to the non-keyed metric. If the metric’s data type is Count, then this field is not required.

  • date: <DateTime> The date and time when the provided value was added to the metric. If this field is not included in the request body, the default value will be today’s date.

  • weight: <Integer> The weight of the provided value.

For example, the following request will add two to the count of a tasksCompleted metric and set the date that the value was added to April 9, 2024:

POST /v2/customMetrics/tasksCompleted/data
  "value": 2,
  "date": "2024-04-09T14:44:00Z"

Custom Metrics Return Value

When content is successfully added to a custom metric, the API returns a 204 HTTP status code. To have the API return a 200 HTTP status code with the current value of the custom metric instead, use the returnValue query parameter and assign it a value of true.

For example, the following query will increment the value of the tasksCompleted metric by two and return the current value of the metric in the API response:

POST /v2/customMetrics/tasksCompleted/data?returnValue=true
  "value": 2

JSON Response:

  "value": 4.0,
  "date": "2024-04-09T17:00:00Z"


When the date field is included in a response, the minutes and seconds in the timestamp will be set to 00.

Deleting a Custom Metric

Send a request in the following format to delete a custom metric:

DELETE /v2/customMetrics/{metricName or metricId}